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    Privacy policy

    Procedures relating to the protection of personal information and access to documents

    1. The confidentiality of your personal information

    In this policy, "we" means the Société québécoise du cannabis (the “SQDC”), its mandataries and authorized representatives. By deciding to use or visit our website, social networks and other services that involve the exchange of personal information, you accept our practices respecting the processing and protection of your personal information, as defined below. You agree, among other things, that we may collect and use your personal information in accordance with the provisions in this policy, subject to our compliance with the legislation in effect regarding personal information. We understand the significance you place on protecting your privacy and we undertake to preserve the confidentiality of the personal information we gather when:

    • you visit or register with our website;
    • you take part in one of our surveys or any other customer study;
    • you agree to receive mailings regarding our products or services that are likely to be of interest to you;
    • you subscribe to our social networks or post comments on them;
    • you buy or return products purchased in one of our stores or online;
    • you submit a job application;
    • you contact our customer relations team or contact us by any other means to submit a comment, question or compliant; and
    • you appear on our surveillance cameras while visiting one of our stores.

    Updating of the SQDC Privacy Policy

    The SQDC reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of its policy regarding the protection of personal information and access to documents. You can verify whether the terms and conditions have changed by referring to the “Last updated on” date shown below.

    Official version

    The French version of this policy is the official version and shall take precedence over the translated English version.
    Last updated on October 17, 2018.

    2. What personal information do we collect?

    “Personal information” is information that makes it possible to identify a physical person. Examples of personal information include a person’s name, street address, email address and telephone number as well as any other such information about the person. We limit our collecting of personal information to the information we need in order to offer you the products and services you want to have access to. Such information may be collected when you use our website and social networks, visit our points of sale and carry out transactions with us; it includes, in particular, your last name, first name, mailing address, telephone number, email address and payment card number as well as information related to your registration on our website and social networks, your participation in our surveys and activities and the products and services you purchase. Should we desire to use your personal information for any purpose other than those specified in this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your consent before doing so.

    3. Why do we collect your personal information?

    We undertake to collect only the personal information required for the purpose for which it was collected, in particular to successfully run our business by, for example:

    • offering the products and services you want;
    • managing the files and accounts created for you for our various services and website;
    • properly processing your product and service orders;
    • sending you information about our products and services;
    • conceiving and improving such products and services;
    • carrying out studies and analyses;
    • recognizing you on our website and social networks;
    • improving the content of our website and social networks;
    • replying to your questions and comments;
    • identifying attempted fraud and errors and preventing and protecting you from them;
    • ensuring the security and protection of the people and assets in SQDC stores and other buildings under our control;
    • verifying whether the age requirements for viewing our website and purchasing cannabis are being complied with; and
    • for any other reason required by law or to successfully conduct our business.

    4. Who has access to your personal information?

    Access to personal information is limited to groups of SQDC employees and to mandataries, suppliers and service providers specifically authorized by the SQDC. All are required to comply not only with the law but also with the SQDC’s requirements regarding the protection of personal information. They are also required to use this information solely for the purposes detailed above.

    5. How do we use cookies?

    Cookies are information saved on your computer's hard drive by an http server to identify the computer (as opposed to the user). We use cookies only to perform various operations, such as processing your orders and remembering what products you selected during previous visits. In short, cookies allow us to adapt our website so that it better reflects your interests and preferences. Our websites use various types of cookies, which do not contain any personal information. Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You may, however, deactivate them by changing the privacy settings of your browser. Furthermore, we use a website analysis service that also uses cookies from our website to assess how you use it, compile website activity reports for an editor and provide other services relating to website activity and Internet use.

    6. How is your personal information protected?

    We employ relevant security measures to protect your personal information from loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, reproduction, use and unauthorized modification and also when transferring your information to a third party for processing or for any other purpose. Moreover, when you make an online purchase on our website, your payment card information is transmitted securely over the Internet during transaction processing using encryption mechanisms (Secure Sockets Layer protocol) employed by your browser and our website. Your payment card information is not kept or saved on our website. Although we take steps to prevent any unauthorized access to your personal information through our website or social networks, you should understand that we cannot guarantee the absolute protection and security of your information on the Internet. You therefore acknowledge and agree that we will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the transmission of confidential or personal information over the Internet and that such disclosure is at your own risk. You are responsible for your accounts. Furthermore, you must do your part to ensure the security of your personal information. We encourage you to act responsibly by:

    • creating a unique and complex password that includes letters (including upper case letters), numbers or symbols (e.g. ^, ¨,$,#, /) and inserting them in a simple password (in ways that make sense) to make it more complex;
    • refraining from writing the password on a physical medium; 
    • frequently changing your password(s) and not reusing old passwords;
    • refraining from disclosing your passwords and user or access codes to third parties; and
    • immediately informing us of any threat to or loss of confidentiality regarding the passwords and user or access codes associated with your accounts.

    7. How long do we keep your personal information?

    We keep your personal information only for the time required to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected; this is done in compliance with our rules under our records retention schedule. The personal information will then be destroyed securely and confidentially.

    8. How can you access, modify and/or delete your personal information?

    You can access, modify, update, or delete any personal information you enter in your SQDC accounts. You can also withdraw or unsubscribe from our mailing lists. To unsubscribe or if you are encounter any problems when making these changes, you can contact our customer relations team.

    9. Our undertaking on sending electronic mailings

    We undertake to manage email addresses responsibly and use them in accordance with the law and your consent. When you register on our website and social networks, we may, subject to your consent, from time to time send you information about our products and services by email, mail, text message or other means. Each communication sent to you will include the option of having your name and email address removed from our mailing list. Please note, however, that, depending on circumstances and within the exceptions authorized by law, we remain authorized to send you email messages and other electronic communications even if you have unsubscribed from our mailings.

    10. Our person responsible for access to information and the protection of personal information

    Please feel free to contact our person responsible for access to information and the protection of personal information in the following cases:

    • you have questions or comments about our Privacy Policy; or
    • you wish to have access to, consult or correct information in your SQDC account.

    To do so, please send your written request to our person responsible for access to information and the protection of personal information:

    Person Responsible for Access to Information and the Protection of Personal Information
    Pietro Perrino

    Secretary General

    Société québécoise du cannabis
    7500 Tellier Street, Montréal Québec H2N 3W5

    Telephone : 514 379-5000 ext. 6940
    Email :

    The SQDC is a public body subject to the Act Respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information. More information on this subject will be found in Access to Information section.